Registration Form
Abstract Sample
Sample Paper
Papers submitted for the conference symposiums should preferably deal with one or more of the topics listed above, but other papers will also be welcome depending on their relevance.
Submitting Abstracts
Abstracts must be submitted electronically by e-mail. The abstract should be single-spaced, in Arial 12-point font, block format, 3 cm margins and contained in a single paragraph with no indents. You must keep your abstract to less than 400 words. Abstracts should be submitted in Microsoft Word or, alternatively, Openoffice format. An abstract sample is provided here. Please send the abstracts by email to: Abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality, originality, clarity and relevance.
Submitting Papers
After the abstract has been accepted the paper must be submitted in the format given here and should be between 4 and 10 pages long. The papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Only papers strictly adhering to the given format template will be considered for publication.
At least one author of each paper must be registered and attend the conference to present the paper.
Important Dates
- April 30, 2008: Extended deadline for submitting abstracts
- May 15, 2008: Notification of acceptance to authors
- June 15, 2008: Deadline for submitting papers
- July 15, 2008: Registration closes
Information for Presentation
All presentations must be made in English. For each presentation a time of 20 min. including discussion is planned.